Honk! Honk! Roti satu...
How nice to see Admiral Alaudin, Wendy, Hjh. Alia, Daniel & Uncle Bo. Can't even remember the last time I rode with them. Great Aunties & Uncles. As usual Hjh. Alia will honk his "Roti horn" as she rumbles pass you. You'd be very lucky if she hands you a loaf of bread. Uncle Bo with his deep growly tone & the ever handsomely cool Admiral, who just celebrated his 60++ birthday. Happy birthday again Admiral!

We were lazily pedalling to the foothills of Perez (Kpg. Peras) then come zooming along, a bunch of youngsters backed by a marshal van. Nah they're way too fast for us old folks but then we thought, lets give them a run for their money & see how strong these boys & girls are. He he...we caught them going uphill! We tagged along for a couple of miles & it seemed ok. Not too bad of a workout.
One boy was asking me "Brudder, you ride here every week ah?" Brudder?!!!...I can be your father!!!. Looks & size can be deceiving. Once you're on the bike - helmet, sunshades, attire & all...you're now 18. Not once but on numerous times I was mistaken for a young teenage lad but the immediate response after removing the headgear was shell-shocked beyond words. Eyes popping, mouth wide open, saliva drooling & gleaming grey hair sprouting.
Bless my complexion. I'm so vain.

me, Salleh, Wak Jali, Baby, Bob, Fahmi,
Rahman, Azam, Cikgu Hisyam & me twin

Dream on...
We rolled on to Tekala & landed for a cuppa. There were already 5 seniors at the pit stop, with all glittering rides. The Cervelo certainly caught my attention.

Uncle's ride wasn't fancy or anything but he had an improvised plastic mineral water bottle, that supplied H20 with a transparent tube! About a week back, he went riding round Penang Island.
It's not about what bike you ride - it's about what rider you are!
After stuffing the bellies, Salleh lead followed by Bob. Bob is another great bloke, he invited us to ride with in to Batam. Batam? I heard Batam is infamous for her over friendly chicks. People from the Land of the Lion frequents this island. We might end up rodeoing something else.
9:30 am we pushed on. The Semenyih Dam hill was a breeze, never felt that easy before. Gym hours must have done the trick. 25 minutes later we're at the Perez junction, 7 or 8 riders zoomed mercilessly pass us. I shouted to the rest of the clan to follow suit. Lets tail these fierce looking dudes & see what's they're made off. No doubt their glimmering expensive rides gives you the creeps.
"Damn, I was pushing 32kph, I could see the rear wheels of you guys at the horizon, but it seems so near yet so far" Cikgu Hisyam lamented. Dear Cikgu, sorry lah...It virtually impossible & not possible at all for you to catch us. We were pushing 40ish with some angry looking riders who nearly steam rolled us at the Perez junction.
There was this bloke who sprinted pass us like a tailless tornado. Huge he was, he nearly blew us off our ride. Sallehudin was the actual culprit. He enticed these guys for a race & race we got. I don't even dare to video the journey, coz I don't wanna be a winnie. We were back at Bt. 18 at half past ten. Wak Jali grinned, Baby smiled wily, Rahman astonished & I got my tongue wagging...
Later at the Kampong Kopitiam I found out the one of the guys was Tuan Hj. Rahim. I had come accross them on many occasions especially in Genting Sempah, Janda Baik & Bentong. Let me remind you, these guys may look fossiled - in their 50's but they ride like 15 year olds!
They ride the country with lots of trees & they hate cars so many. You wouldn't find them on highways but the back waterways.
We may be a bunch of oldies but we ain't mouldies.