Baru je polish the bike...
Called Acap, he said he gotta wait till the rain subsides, pray hard, stop raining please...
I didn't wanna wash my bike...
Got a call from Suhaimi PPZ, camna bro CIOCC?, jadi kayuh ke.
The nite b4 he called me up asking if he could ride with "The Group".
"Nampak dalam gambor cam dasyat je, takut gak..."
Bring whatever, a mike, a trike & as long as it performs like a bike.
Daoh & Suhaimi PPZ was already there chatting as if
they have known each other for ages.
That's what I like about biking, u make friends...regardless
We're supposed to roll-out by 7:30am but by some chance luckily we didn’t.
Then came along out of nowhere 2 other cyclist, Fahmi & a friend,
Hwa all the way from Penang. After a short intro we decided to roll-out.
Famine was the rule of the ride. Right after we rolled-out of Unikeb,
everyone was talking about the nasi kukus ikan keli.
Really Man CIOCC? betul ke sodap? sodap...I said.
Now we ride first & belasah later.
Hwa was commenting how he liked the route so much.
Never b4 he rode across such a terrain & many graveyards.
We stuck to a group all the way through Jalan Enam Kaki en route to Mantin town.
I wanted to stop & take some shots of a five foot way "doctor" bragging
about his pill powers, but we were too busy worrying about our cadence.
The pace wasn’t that fast at an average of 23kph.
Didn’t wanna crank up too much power coz I wet through 7km of hell a day b4.
I didn’t really like the road from Beranang to Mantin but we had no choice,
coz Daoh was crying like a baby throwing tantrums...
He wanted to see the waterfall. Oh! Ok...There's a waterfall all right
About 12 km b4 Seremban you’d turn left by a football field,
the route is almost dead without any vehicles.
Occasionally there’s 1 or 2 Mat Rempit wanking out their pistons
& some lunatic drivers dreaming of Raikonnen.
The 2km uphill is nothing compared to the ones from Gombak to Genting Sempah, 18km.
1km up we took a shot brake for a photo by the "Lots of Water committing suicide" / Air terjun.
Our friend there also decide to have his very own "Air Terjun".
1km more up to the top & down we go,
whizzing down the slope like a death defying artiste.
Another 3km of flat terrain & here we come nasi kukus.
Hwa wallop 2 packets & the rest took one each. I was still hungry so...
Another plate of pulut & shared the stuff with the young boys, Acap & Hafiz.
I think Daoh had 2 glasses of iced teh tarik. The young boys were still hungry.
Really-really sodap until we gluttons finished ate whole basket, mak ai!!!
Suhaimi had to abstain from nasi kukus. "Nanti takleh kayuh" Oh whatever...
More nasik & more pix to show proof that we landed in Lenggeng.
Countless times for me...
True enough the first 10km was uhhhh...lemah lutut.
After all those pulut & nasi kukus.
At the T junction near Kpg Sasapan, Acap lead the pack.
forcing us to chase after him,
Aiya, we're supposed to turn left la brudder young man.
We came across an old abandoned bridge where
the Japs used to decapitate their captives.
Through a cool canopy of big trees & we cam through
behind PLKN training centre.
From there you can also go to Nilai through the kampung road.
It lead us again back to the original route. Some rolling hills
& lots of buffalo droppings, right under the new highway
from Semenyih to Kuala Pilah. After the 4km short cut through
Rinching we challenged the Bangi Plantation hill, kinda steep but manageable.
As we approached the MINT entrance the front pack lead by Acap, Fahmi,
me & followed closely by Suhaimi PPZ we sprinted to the top of the last hill
approaching Teras Jernang.
It is our favorite sprinting spot, we went head to head pitting against each other then...
my left calf muscles started twitching. Oh Oh...Owch!
2km ride to Unikeb was the cooling down period. Slowed our cadence
& entered Unikeb. Took a breather & some more pix.
"It feels great," quipped Suhaimi PPZ & Fahmi, Hwa was all smiles...
Thank you all especially Fahmi, Hwa & Suhaimi PPZ.
To the regulars, Daoh, Acap, Hafiz & me,
we enjoyed riding with you guys as much as u guys enjoyed riding with us.
Wash bike...Wash bike...Wash bike...Wash bike...Wash bike...Wash bike...lotih...
More ramblings here...
How to get to Unikeb UKM Bangi From KL
Take the Sg Besi toll, exit Bangi. After toll booth you'll c a roundabout, straight ahead 12 o' clock,
again another roundabout turn 3 o' clock Straight 1km there's a traffic lights (You'll c the UKM entrance, DO NOT enter) - turn RIGHT instead. Go ahead about 800 meters;
you'll c UNIKEB on yr left.
Park beside CIMB Bank under the shady trees. (Believe me, you will not be sorry) No dough?
There's BSN, Mumallat & Bank Rakyat too. Abundant parking lots.
Toilets for free but you gotta bring yr own dailies. B there by 7:00 am lah.
Gotta start early. Subuh dah cepat. At least 7:30 am must roll-out.
No worries, 25kmh average. Total about 70-80 km,
if we venture somewhere else.....exact 74km.
Here's the route...
Unikeb - Bangi Lamo - Rinching Ulu - Kpg 6 kaki Beranang -
Mantin - Bukit (Layan OK punya 2km) – Lenggeng