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My son, my shadow...
SEJATI - Sek. Keb. Jln. Tiga

"Papa, Amier Zain nak pi kayuh, nanti panaih sangat" said my son in a thick Penang accent. Jom kita pi jeuh sikit lah, kita pi market. Cuma 6 km pi balik saja... Took my T-Blaze & off we go, stopping by his Sek Kebangsaan to snap a few shots.
We then took a short cut under Jalan 3/4 in front of the school to avoid the main road, telling him not to be too adventurous & use it alone. (He goes to school by bus sekolah anyway). It can be muddy at times but today the mud was rather dry, so we could just negotiate through the underpass quite smoothly. Nice artistic graffiti on the wall but if you pass this route at after dark, you can get a "Free show"!
Sayang,what a nice path but the majlis, since donkey years, never bothered to maintain this route. You have school kids using this road every day. A pakchik who was jogging by us commented "Hah, xcersise ngan anak?" I just smiled & ya ya. The rain tree above us was a sight for sore eyes. can't help but to stop & snap-snap some more. Luckily Amier's mood was good, being a photo model is no easy task. To "kowtow" him, after breakfast I bought him a BMW key chain worth RM3. You should look into his eyes... As I was rummaging through Wan's things, I got hold of a VW Bug replica made of clay. What a treasure, it looked rather antique. Toke Wan's daughter is good looking too, cun...mcm anak mami. He he he...
One thing I like about this pasar, It's got the ol' skool charm. The stalls are cute & the variety of food? Omigosh! Macam-macam ada. All the stalls got nasik lemak but Stall no.5 Gerai Kak Kiah's nasi lemak daun pisang is different. The nasi is soft for my liking & the sambal is fab. 2 bungkus as usual lah. Pakchik speaks Jawa but actually he is Melayu...huh! A cup of tongkat ali drink to "Perk me up" a bit. Mee rebus Kak Kiah pun sodap & they serve variety of kuih. The smell of pulut panggang was too intoxicating to me missed. 3 pliz, kakak. Packed some more nasik lemak & headed home.
Short cut from home & route from Bangi tollps: Soto best gerai no.1 (Toke, isteri, anak2 & menantu pun saya kenal)
Cyclo Maniacs, Sunday 250109 we're gonna conquer Frazer's Hill.It's a 32 km ride from Kuala Kubu Baru till the Gap & 8 km of hard climbing afterwards.This ride has been brought to you courtesy of Big Jack from JomKayuh.comThere will be a support car InsyaAllah. Roadies or MTB's are welcome This is not a race!RV point will be in front of the KKB Police Station. Surf for the latest updates.Leave your home by 5:00 am. Subuh prayers on the way or at KKB.
RouteStart at Kuala Kubu Baru
1. Head northeast on 55 toward Jalan Syed Masyor - 31.6 km
2. Turn left at 56 Destination will be on the left - 1.4 km Arrive at: 56
3. Head north on 56 - 5.8 km
4. At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Jalan Genting - 0.5 km 5. Continue on Jalan Lady Maxwell - 0.6 km 6. Continue on Jalan Valley - 0.1 km
Arrive at: Jalan Valley, Bkt. Frazer
Wind-wind, blow away, blow away another day...

Sun risin' & sapient ridin' Here I come Cycling Addicts, I'm addicted for endorphins, can I get 3 shots? Can, can, can...if you cycle 69km with us, you'll get it free of charge! The problem is you'll sweat a lot, get tired like hell & probably die at a very old age.& so here we are, a bunch of drug seekers of a different kind, searching at every nooks & crannies, every towns & kampungs, highs & lows for the "KICKS". So high the kicks that Suhaimi PPZ... Luckily not PCP (Phencyclidine (a complex clip of the chemical name phenylcyclohexylpiperidine, commonly initaliased as PCP), is a dissociative drug, exhibiting hallucinogenic & neurotoxic effects... that Suhaimi PPZ was at my doorstep at 6:56:55 am! Last nite you can't even differentiate between right or left. Lu tekan apa semalam beb...?Yeah, cycling we do that a lot, cycling in a trance, like a dream hallucinating of acid. Come to think of it - "The Neurotic Cyclist", what a name, great name for a blog.Adik Acap & Zamroni rolled in & Nazran who was b4 a "RAMPA", who hasn't rode with me for almost 2 years came along too. No sign on Zharin yet, probably he'll wait for "The Red Chiken Comb Rider". We took off to the RV point, SILK Highway, Bukit Kajang toll plaza. Panicked a minute, yes, a minute only. Cikgu Hisham called, we're behind you. WTF (World Taekwondo Federation), we thought we were at the wrong RV. Whatshisname...speak of the devil, Zharin appeared out of nowhere, like a genie from a lamp. 5 minutes later, Cikgu Hisyam & the junkies arrived & we exit Plaza Tol Bkt Kajang. Looped clove the Sg. Long highway & it lead us to the LEKAS toll plaza. Faizol was tellin me how windy it can get at times. Now u tellin' me. Oh man, why am I using my high profile wheels... The druggies were a fun lot. Faizol busy with his vid. me & him takin each others silly antics during the ride after the toll booth where Zaha from Semenyih was already waiting. Wide open road, the highway seems endless. Like a runaway but missin the aircrafts. Like a bee without a flower & like a plug without a socket. Occationally you'd get gas guzzlers zooming by but frankly this road is under utilised. That means its good for us cyclist. You'd pass above Kpg. Kuala Pajam & Bandar Akademia. That's the only civilisation to be seen on the route. Everything else is left-right jungle. The terrain isn't too steep but manageable. Smooth paving makes a silky ride. Watch out for crosswinds which can blow you away. At times you might have to cycle downhill. Cycle downhill, that bad ah? I dunno, ask Faizol. The wind the killer & the wind is your only enemy here. The weather was fine & cool but the "spotlight" was gettin' bigger & bigger. Luckily the crosswinds wasn't that bad in LEKAS today. We could manage 25-30 kph all the way to the Mantin toll both where we regrouped. All decided against turnin' back as the heat might get the better of us. Lagipun some of us have yet to have breakfast or brunch. We swarmed the kedai makan like a bunch of piranhas, leaving this townfolk awed by our colourful presence. Me juz took a plate of rice & tofu. One glass of choc & a bottle of gatorade but not a single one dare touch the "Tapai". Nite eat tapai, me sure no sleep! As we're about to leave, Md Nor called & asked us to wait. The Balung Ayam rider rode to Lenggeng alone, had to make a detour to Sg. Jai coz the "Mantin road tak boleh keluar, Sg. Jai patah balik sini naya ah..." Whateverlah Red Comb Rider, wa tabik sama lu, lu memang Powerbar kayuh sorang-sorang. Punyalah Power Rangers, on the return leg, u terus pecut at the junction of Jalan Enam Kaki! (History of Jalan Enam Kaki - The kampung road started off to be 6 foot wide hence the name, "6 Feet Road"!) No-no-no, the road got no legs...Not "6 Legs Road". @%?*&! direct translation...tak sekolah ke? The wind was unforgiving right up till Beranang. The C50 feels like a kite. Goodness gracious, finally we got out of the wind tunnel. At my weight, it might blow me away. I'm glad that all decided unanimously to cut short thru Jalan Enam Kaki. The sun was really blazing her beams now. Arrived BBB at 12 noon, mak ai cepat nye. LEKAS have got it's plus points. This route is my cuppa tea but I ain't gonna turn back the same highway unless I'm being chased by mother in law. I'd rather go out to Mantin & use the ol' road & finish it off with a ride thru kampungs. If you're a speedster & you're in a rush or some pack of K9 are coming after u, use it!Moral of this ride - If da' winds nevah' goin' away, we better go n fly kites!
Da Route, sorry it doesn't exist in Google yet.2 pcs white bread-140 kcal + 2 chicken slice-100 kcal + 1 cup MILO-200 kcal
Calories intake, breakfast = 440 kcal
Calories burned = 2375 kcal
Average heartbeat = 154 bpm
Total distance BBB - Mantin - BBB = 69 km
Average speed = 24 kph
ps: we forgot to take a groupie shot...aiya...