Do you know that 3 in 1 shampoo it isn't good for your body? Why must we do everything in a hurry? Fast & in a frenzy. 3 in 1 kopi lah...what utter rubbish. Busy seems to be the excuse. I'm too busy lately, very lazy & very late. So, here's the summary & pix of the past 3 in 1 ride mate.
020809 Unikeb UKM, Bangi Lama, Dengkil & Putrajaya

me, Ashraf, Isham Daewa, Razif, Zil Husham, Syarul Hulk & my raya ghost
Semenyih Dam here we come, but only 3 blokes turned up at Unikeb. Came across another 3 riders fro Kesuma Lake, apparently they too had the same issue, no show. So we decided to clan up & ride.
And hellova ride we did, to a blistering pace of 30's lead by Ashraf of Section 8, BBB. It was no stopping from Bangi Lama, Dengkil & Putrajaya. We covered the 44 km in no time. Could have just rode to the usual Salak town & suck up the morning dew, instead we basted it out with a phew!
260709 Cyc Unikeb - Salak

me, Azhar Semenyih, Rizal Single Speedo, Isham Daewa, Cikgu Hisham, Syarul Hulk & me again

Live to Eat not Eat to Live...
It was raining cats & dogs. So the mice kept home all the cheese in case of an icy winter bog. We pulled our blanket with our wives, girlfriends, mistresses, concubines & gay partners embrace to feel their warmth.
Isham Daewa ring a ding my cell,
Oh damn you what the hell,
C’mon-c'mon get out of bed,
We’re going for the plan, ahead!
9:30 am we shot from Unikeb UKM. Azhar Semenyih was spotted hoarding a new CVS complete with an extra 10 pounder. "It's been a while since I rode with u people..." Cikgu Hisham was here after a loooooooooooooooooooooooog absence.
Gluttony was the order of the day. One fella ordered a roasted chicken, a mountain of vege, 12 pieces of chapatti & mutton curry for tops!
Hey, we're supposed to cut the pounds, not order more rounds!
Somebody's gonna snort fire, up the Salak Tinggi De Palma Hill.
190709 Cyc Unikeb - Labu

me, Khairul, Adik Acap, Suhaimi PPZ, Anuar, Zamroni, Isham Daewa & my clone
The clan just loves this route, because this is where we had some terrapin & pumpkin soup. Great for enhancing ones libido.
En route to Jenderam Hilir we were caught by this triathlete Khairul. One muscular bloke who just got back from a race from a land down under. Is was a cool ride to Labu, fortunately without any mishaps. We have had a flat, too many flats, sole broke loose (see da vid) & God knows.

me, Ashraf, Isham Daewa, Razif, Zil Husham, Syarul Hulk & my raya ghost
Semenyih Dam here we come, but only 3 blokes turned up at Unikeb. Came across another 3 riders fro Kesuma Lake, apparently they too had the same issue, no show. So we decided to clan up & ride.
And hellova ride we did, to a blistering pace of 30's lead by Ashraf of Section 8, BBB. It was no stopping from Bangi Lama, Dengkil & Putrajaya. We covered the 44 km in no time. Could have just rode to the usual Salak town & suck up the morning dew, instead we basted it out with a phew!
260709 Cyc Unikeb - Salak

me, Azhar Semenyih, Rizal Single Speedo, Isham Daewa, Cikgu Hisham, Syarul Hulk & me again

Live to Eat not Eat to Live...
It was raining cats & dogs. So the mice kept home all the cheese in case of an icy winter bog. We pulled our blanket with our wives, girlfriends, mistresses, concubines & gay partners embrace to feel their warmth.
Isham Daewa ring a ding my cell,
Oh damn you what the hell,
C’mon-c'mon get out of bed,
We’re going for the plan, ahead!
9:30 am we shot from Unikeb UKM. Azhar Semenyih was spotted hoarding a new CVS complete with an extra 10 pounder. "It's been a while since I rode with u people..." Cikgu Hisham was here after a loooooooooooooooooooooooog absence.
Gluttony was the order of the day. One fella ordered a roasted chicken, a mountain of vege, 12 pieces of chapatti & mutton curry for tops!
Hey, we're supposed to cut the pounds, not order more rounds!
Somebody's gonna snort fire, up the Salak Tinggi De Palma Hill.
190709 Cyc Unikeb - Labu

me, Khairul, Adik Acap, Suhaimi PPZ, Anuar, Zamroni, Isham Daewa & my clone
The clan just loves this route, because this is where we had some terrapin & pumpkin soup. Great for enhancing ones libido.
En route to Jenderam Hilir we were caught by this triathlete Khairul. One muscular bloke who just got back from a race from a land down under. Is was a cool ride to Labu, fortunately without any mishaps. We have had a flat, too many flats, sole broke loose (see da vid) & God knows.
For a first timer to this uncharted place, Zamroni’s triumph. "Oh, I rode short distances only..." Oh really? Then how come you sprinted & left us breathless 10 km down the tarmac, dear AirAsia jet engineer...