Psychedelic ride it was. Why psychedelic?
A psychedelic experience is characterized by the perception of aspects of one's mind previously unknown, or by the creative exuberance of the mind liberated from its ostensibly ordinary fetters. Psychedelic states are an array of experiences elicited by sensory deprivation as well as by psychedelic substances. Such experiences include hallucinations, changes of perception, synesthesia, altered states of awareness, mystical states, and occasionally states resembling psychosis fulled by over-reactive endorphins.
Hence cycling in a trance like cyclo-psychomaniac state is psychedelic. For when we ride, we exhibit hallucinogenic, neurotoxic & psychotic effects...
A psychedelic experience is characterized by the perception of aspects of one's mind previously unknown, or by the creative exuberance of the mind liberated from its ostensibly ordinary fetters. Psychedelic states are an array of experiences elicited by sensory deprivation as well as by psychedelic substances. Such experiences include hallucinations, changes of perception, synesthesia, altered states of awareness, mystical states, and occasionally states resembling psychosis fulled by over-reactive endorphins.
Hence cycling in a trance like cyclo-psychomaniac state is psychedelic. For when we ride, we exhibit hallucinogenic, neurotoxic & psychotic effects...

En. Zanudin gotta break free from the clan. He's on a food trail to commemorate the "Belly Buttons Butting" (Berlaga Pusat) at noon.

Man CIOCC, Zharin, Azam, Lehrer Hisham,
Ayie Boy, Rahimi, Kafi, Rizal, Abg. Berahim & Wak Jali
Gluttony can turn you into one hellova jumbo pumpkin. Grandfather’s tale & pix about celebration of pumpkin bellies here (18SX).
1) Right from the start...Got Abg. Berahim lamenting how fast we were right after the roll-out. You can't fool us bro, The ride from Gadong Jaya to Salak you're on a high like a psychedelic 60's hippie.
2) Rahimi got psychedelic too. All this while, I know this chap to be cool on the rides, but he wasn't himself that day.
3) I'm always psychedelic. People say I have the weirdest collection of old skool jerseys & bike stuff plus a strong sense of fashion. For the flower-power kid, I bloomed in the 60's engulfed by retro stuff, so Man CIOCC is psychedelic.
4) The clan got psychedelic...period
As we rolled down towards Nilai, the speed was still highly paced. Everyone looked great for now. No punctures, no major issues.
Yeah, speak of the devil. We didn't know that the drizzle in Labu was an indication of what’s in store for us 2km later...
Duh...some of us had already reached Gadong Jaya & had enjoyed the downhill. Zharin radioed that Wak Jali new, yes NEW-NEW-NEW 105 chain snapped!
Huh, no wonder my cell piece was beeping uncontrollably. Thought it was my left rib that wanted me home early. Didn't I give u a warm sausage last nite already?
2) Rahimi got psychedelic too. All this while, I know this chap to be cool on the rides, but he wasn't himself that day.
3) I'm always psychedelic. People say I have the weirdest collection of old skool jerseys & bike stuff plus a strong sense of fashion. For the flower-power kid, I bloomed in the 60's engulfed by retro stuff, so Man CIOCC is psychedelic.
4) The clan got psychedelic...period
As we rolled down towards Nilai, the speed was still highly paced. Everyone looked great for now. No punctures, no major issues.
Yeah, speak of the devil. We didn't know that the drizzle in Labu was an indication of what’s in store for us 2km later...
Duh...some of us had already reached Gadong Jaya & had enjoyed the downhill. Zharin radioed that Wak Jali new, yes NEW-NEW-NEW 105 chain snapped!
Huh, no wonder my cell piece was beeping uncontrollably. Thought it was my left rib that wanted me home early. Didn't I give u a warm sausage last nite already?
Lehrer Hisham, Kafi, Rahimi & me was forced to transform into a tow truck, more like a pushing tug boat actually. Drag-a-tag Wak Jali for about 4km I think. Ok bro you're free now. He went rolling downhill like a mill, waiting for his wife, oh come she will. Got a message an hour later that he finally reached home & got the bike nursed.

C'mon kak, our bellies are croaking...

D Nasi Dagang stall sits right opposite a mini market in Jln. Gadong Jaya.

Really-really mouth watering, Slyurrrrrp...
In all, we had doubled back 12 km. Time for a snack. More of a brunch really. Rahimi packed a whole plate of “Nasik Dagang & Wood-Fish (Ikan Ayor/Tongkol/Kayu). It was so tasty albeit the small stall by the kerb. One thing for sure, it’ll gonna be one of our future rest stop. Friendly, simple & sweet. By this time, we were so parched. As drinks were served, a fly decided to nose-dive & make a double somersault into my cocoa drink. So much for being really thirsty, but the fly did add a distinctive taste! Frankly, you still can't beat the "Ulat Mulong" taste, deep fried with chilies & onions. Superb!
The clan took a half hour breather. We should have been in Salak town by now but were 10 km off the mark. At this point, we had rode almost beyond our 50km pit stop.

It wasn't too bad actually, even during the merciless dragon back to KLIA quarters junction. The air was cooooool under the shady Hevea Brasiliensis (rubber) trees.
We sped thru Kpg LBJ (Labu Johnson) where they make the facial cream Johnson & Johnson (no lah, tipu u only), cadenced furiously thru N163 & popped out in Salak town.
We sped thru Kpg LBJ (Labu Johnson) where they make the facial cream Johnson & Johnson (no lah, tipu u only), cadenced furiously thru N163 & popped out in Salak town.

4 fellows decided to go ahead as we took a leak in a Salak gas stop. Regrouping 10 minutes later by the foot of Salak Tinggi hill. The famous 5 didn't stop as we might loose the momentum & strode coyly up beside D' Palma hotel.
Rizal had to crank it up real hard with his single speed, no sweat for him - I know...Coz he & Ayie left us gasping all the way till Jenderam. The 2nd group were pacing against one another. Each rider leading the pack at 2 km intervals.
At one point I looked back, not one soul tagged me. Ayie & Rizal was just 50 meters into oblivion.
Slightly pass noon, all had completed the 75km loop, a very fast loop. Me, Rahimi, Kafi & Lehrer Hisham added an extra 12km = 87km to our distance. Thanks to Wak Jali.
Rizal had to crank it up real hard with his single speed, no sweat for him - I know...Coz he & Ayie left us gasping all the way till Jenderam. The 2nd group were pacing against one another. Each rider leading the pack at 2 km intervals.
At one point I looked back, not one soul tagged me. Ayie & Rizal was just 50 meters into oblivion.
Slightly pass noon, all had completed the 75km loop, a very fast loop. Me, Rahimi, Kafi & Lehrer Hisham added an extra 12km = 87km to our distance. Thanks to Wak Jali.
Collar of Steel - Heart of Stone

Abg. Berahim & Azam
Collar of Steel
Welcome back Azam, titanium lug in his shoulder. I thought they only build titanium bikes. You can now call yourself a cyborg. Half Man Half Machine = Mensch Maschine. If don't know what the heck I'm talking about, go ask his girlfriend. Apparently he added a titanium rod too...somewhere there!
Heart of Stone
Welcome Abg. Brahim. Come to the Clan of CIOCC. Where you "Montez L'âne" / Ride the donkey & el gruppo with a bunch of monkeys. What a big heart you are, thanking me gazzilion times for the fun ride with the goons for some are really loon. Don't you praise us too soon. If you’re feelin over the moon. Ride with us, you ain't gonna get marooned!
For Wak Jali, I did this rap piece for you.
Welcome back Azam, titanium lug in his shoulder. I thought they only build titanium bikes. You can now call yourself a cyborg. Half Man Half Machine = Mensch Maschine. If don't know what the heck I'm talking about, go ask his girlfriend. Apparently he added a titanium rod too...somewhere there!
Heart of Stone
Welcome Abg. Brahim. Come to the Clan of CIOCC. Where you "Montez L'âne" / Ride the donkey & el gruppo with a bunch of monkeys. What a big heart you are, thanking me gazzilion times for the fun ride with the goons for some are really loon. Don't you praise us too soon. If you’re feelin over the moon. Ride with us, you ain't gonna get marooned!
For Wak Jali, I did this rap piece for you.

Ride a little time, help me clear up me mind (2X)
Give me ride time because it make me feel fine
Mek me feel fine all of the time
Give me ride time you make me feel so fine
Monkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep line
Your chain broke, we monkeys get choke
Burn bad rizla pon him little cycle bloke.

To the lunatic road imbecile
I just couldn't compute about these so called "Bird Brained Drivers".
To say they're bird brained is an understatement coz I pity these birds, well at least birds have brains as small as God have given them.
But dunno about some of us dolts (not the riders, ok). Those people who roam with their hollowed skull and the ones fit for a mental asylum.
These idiotic morons who think their grandmotherf******s own the road?
Lemme tell u something, just because you steer a humongous guzzler you'll push over us?
You don’t have no brain like a bird, you're just full of s**t.
I just couldn't compute about these so called "Bird Brained Drivers".
To say they're bird brained is an understatement coz I pity these birds, well at least birds have brains as small as God have given them.
But dunno about some of us dolts (not the riders, ok). Those people who roam with their hollowed skull and the ones fit for a mental asylum.
These idiotic morons who think their grandmotherf******s own the road?
Lemme tell u something, just because you steer a humongous guzzler you'll push over us?
You don’t have no brain like a bird, you're just full of s**t.

Morons / Dolts = A person of mental retardation > ass, fool, idiot, imbecile.
Bird Brain definition = often used in reference to intellectually challenged individuals.
Bird Brain definition = often used in reference to intellectually challenged individuals.