Sorry folks, we are colour blind...inability to perceive differences between yellow or brown. Our world are shades of grey. That all children are created equal. Wait till we grow up & that's another sad story... I feel really sad & sick thinking. I feel like I'm gonna puke, the state of current affairs. How it was so great to have friends of another creed. I grew up like these kids, cross cultured. But mankind regressed to our current state. Unwilling to understand one another...
"People are people, So why should it be. You and I should get along so awfully. So we're different colours & were different creeds. And different people have different needs. It's obvious you hate me though I've done nothing wrong. I've never even met you so what could I have done. I can't understand what makes a man hate another man, help me understand..." DM

Ha,ha...we did not stop at Nilai, Labu/LBJ or Kpg Gadong. Syarul Hulk was cursing his lungs out "When we're gonna stop Man!!!" Sorry baby, I feel great, don't feel like stoppin so why should I stop? Bloody hell Man CIOCC...Hey brudders, we're supposed to lose the tummy not bloat it! It got more tensed as we passed by some stalls packing nasi ayam for lunch. Ceh! I could smell the roasted chicken with chilly sauce...

Zharin, Sharul Hulk, Wari, Zack Graphix, Zul Bangsar, Sham Dewa, Ayie Boy & me.
We dropped by the Labu junction for a snap, can't help but notice the uncanny resemblance, Pumpkin = Belly. Labu Belly...should rename this place to celebrate puffiness. Spare tyres anyone? There, see Ayie sniggering!
Talk about Ayie, he got lost in Uniten searching for Unikeb... ;P
We dropped by the Labu junction for a snap, can't help but notice the uncanny resemblance, Pumpkin = Belly. Labu Belly...should rename this place to celebrate puffiness. Spare tyres anyone? There, see Ayie sniggering!
Talk about Ayie, he got lost in Uniten searching for Unikeb... ;P

Right here, Wari & Hulk was reeling from the agonising ride, their bottoms got sore from the distance. "S***, I couldn't feel my numb ass!" Wari lamented. Sham unloaded his ammonia...

As I was "Putting out the fire", the back lighted creepers never looked so beautiful.
Firstly, the ride to Bkt. Mahkota was a bit messy, lotta lorries that mornin & we had to manoeuvre our bikes thru potholes & shrubs by the rear of the unmaintained road. Should have used at the new road from Bangi Lama. Once you have reached Nilai industrial park the "Rhu" trees waivingly greets you. Nah...we didn't stop at Nilai 3, what the heck for? We ain't goin shopping, we're riding remember?
Hey riders, never tell yer wife you're ridin here. We ain't got no panniers to carry unprecious kilos of shoppers junk. Anyway da route to Nilai was a breeze & as you whiz thru Labu you'll pass by lotta kampungs. Kpg Gadong to LBJ was superb as it's rolling hills will test your staying power. Palm trees, heat, barren land, tiny temple under a big shady tree, rubber trees galore. Unfortunately didn't see any rubber tappers around. I guess the commodity market needs more bounce to spring-up like a latex mattress from the current economic situation.
47 km later & after an earful from the Hulk, I decided to halt, right enough in Salak. While I only ate half a plate of rice, Hulk mimicked a gorilla, gobbling everything on sight. About 23 km more for the last leg, aiya...20 mins sure "kaw tim". So what, whack lah...
Zul, since I never really care about "colour", I couldn't be bothered about what bike you or anyone else uses. Kalau bike bling-bling tapi perangai macam "musibat" (Penang slang for a useless bum), belagak tak tentu arah, tak guna jugak, people like these can go & fly kites...period. I respect your willingness & strong spirit. 80 km is no easy feat for a newbie like you. Salute!
Hey riders, never tell yer wife you're ridin here. We ain't got no panniers to carry unprecious kilos of shoppers junk. Anyway da route to Nilai was a breeze & as you whiz thru Labu you'll pass by lotta kampungs. Kpg Gadong to LBJ was superb as it's rolling hills will test your staying power. Palm trees, heat, barren land, tiny temple under a big shady tree, rubber trees galore. Unfortunately didn't see any rubber tappers around. I guess the commodity market needs more bounce to spring-up like a latex mattress from the current economic situation.
47 km later & after an earful from the Hulk, I decided to halt, right enough in Salak. While I only ate half a plate of rice, Hulk mimicked a gorilla, gobbling everything on sight. About 23 km more for the last leg, aiya...20 mins sure "kaw tim". So what, whack lah...
Zul, since I never really care about "colour", I couldn't be bothered about what bike you or anyone else uses. Kalau bike bling-bling tapi perangai macam "musibat" (Penang slang for a useless bum), belagak tak tentu arah, tak guna jugak, people like these can go & fly kites...period. I respect your willingness & strong spirit. 80 km is no easy feat for a newbie like you. Salute!

A reflection of me is a shadow of you.
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