It wasn't just a normal nail - It was a rusted one. My neighbors neighboring lawn was overgrown with weeds & unwanted wild plants. As it was infested with bugs, slimy animals & unattended, we decided to clear it off. The rightful owner left the house in a huff & extradited themselves overseas. Pots, pans, gas, gas stove, bicycles (kids bike lah) & a lot of unwanted paraphernalia.
While "Changkulling" (Hoeing/Digging) the shrubs, my right leg got possessed or sort off getting a mind of it's own & stepped on this blasted-rusted thing. Thick red fluid oozed from the punctured the ball of my feet. The more I applied pressure to it, the more it spurted like a Yellowstone National Park geyser.
Indeed you have to; at least some of the poisonous substance that inhibits the nail would not create a fatal reaction. Took an anti Tetanus jab at the local clinic, don't wanna get "Button Teeth / Kancing Gigi". A round of antibiotics would also suppress any side effects, hopefully. That Friday nite, 11pm, the swelling got worse. Thoughts of my legs getting amputated lingered in my mind.
I remembered. From the recent Langkawi trip I bought dozens of these Gamat product. Oil, Balm & even "Pelacak/Mud skipper" oil. I bet it'll definitely go "Terpacak" & my partner will be grinning from ear to ear! Come Saturday mornin', I was "Gunsmoke", limping. Lucky for me the "Gamat/Sea Cucumber" balm reduced the swell the significantly. I can't be missing in action coz my front neighbor’s daughter is having a wedding feast.
Had 2nd thoughts at 8pm that nite & a nightmare at 3am. Can I ride tomorrow with this condition? Applied a bottle of balm & slept. I was apprehensive & grim, laid my foot gently on the floor...Wallah! Feels goooooooooood!

Hjh Alia, Wendy, Daniel, Admiral Alaudin & Hj. Rahim
Before we took-off, Hjh Alia, Daniel, Admiral Alaudin & beloved mem Wendy stopped for a photo op with Hj Rahim tagging along. Rizal yodeled that he'll be a bit late. Lucky for you bro, 1 or 2 have yet to arrive. Young man Azli smirking as he rode from his mom's house. 20 minutes to 8, we left the rumbling stream behind & rolled towards the famous Tekala-Perez junction.
I dunno why riders call it Perez. The real name is actually Genting Peras coz it's linked to Genting Highlands and the central mountain range called the Banjaran Titiwangsa. Bahari de Loco man had to turn back to greet a friend who's late -very late, so we can't wait. Lemme tell u somethin'. The first 1km was tough, at times manageable & the finishing was a killer. Even though it was his first ride here, as usual you can't match Rizal. Together with Hj Rahim & Zack Graphix leadin the pack, you'll know what to expect. It was an hour ride from Bt18. I was left reeling 1 minute behind, another 1 km to the top.

Azman, Azman Yeop, Bahari @ Loco, Azli, Hj. Rahim, Azman
Cikgu Hisyam, Zack Graphix & Rizal

There were already a couple of riders by the peak's Selangor-N9 border on both dates. Noticed that some oddballs with snoddy rides made a u-turn after seeing us. Heck! We're no ogre; we don't eat odd looking humanoids with coconuts for brains. Oh... now I know, where got standard...They have this phobia about our so called filthy "Chap Ayam/Cheapo" bikes. As if we care. U can have the most exclusive bike on this universe, but if your engine & brain is hollow...we ain't gonna follow. Me & my clan ain't shallow. We aren't goin that low.
As old as we are, we don't give a hoot or I'll shove u a boot!
Penangites would say "Sighu taik Ayam Piru - Piraah mampuih!". Loosely translated it means, "Airhead Turkey's Shit - Go and die" Kah kah kah kiok kiok oink oink oink!
Azman Yeop, with a trusted 12kg bike he practically tore the hill... "Couldn't use the biggest sprocket" he sighed. This guy is full of substance. That's what I call true grit. SALUTE! He zoomed down as I shivered, with my left hand on the handlebar & a camera on my left. The bike wobbled. Better stop or I'll get gobbled...by the ravine. The rest of the route wasn't too bad. We just rumbled up & down to Sg. Tekala after hitting 65kph by the Semenyih Dam.

After the customary leak & a few hard deep fried bananas I was slightly struggling up the dam. DAMN & double damn. The long stretch by the Orang Asli village didn't help either. After scouring the reserve tank I felt relief. Up on the horizon, the elusive 10km more to Bt18. That was not the end. Bahari @ Loco, Hj. Rahim & Rizal set a blistering pace. At 43kph Cikgu Hisyam hooked Hj. Rahim & the rest was history.
Zack Graphic & me just wasn't up to the mark today. We slipped into the abyss...
Right from the start, we knew that we're not goin to whack the damn mountain like the last. The pack glided past the flatties & rendezvoused with a new friend En. Hamdan. Mr. Won - he's a real spinner.

me, Mr Rizal, Cikgu Hisyam & Mr. Won
Where as we're a bunch of old folks, ok - 2 or 3 are young. Let them be. Me, Rizal & Cikgu Hisyam shot-off ahead. It'll not be a problem for Hj.Rahim & Co. Coz they're loco too. Took my own sweet stride up Perez & tackled it without much issue.

"Of course who wouldn't miss the cool breeze,
as we slid down as smooth as grease.
Tekala greeted us with much please,
& we rumbled up the Semenyih Dam with ease.
Orang Asli folks showing their gleaming white teeth,
as we passed by & gave us a big cheese.
The last 10km were just cookies,
blasting 43kph like some maniac on PCPs,
We couldn't care less to nobodies,
streaming across the globe thru the open seas".

Pretty loony boy slid & hit an "Udumbu"...yikes!
Udumbu (biawak @ monitor lizard) curry recipe. yummy!
Cycling Directions > Bt18 Ulu Langat - Perez - Sg.Tekala

Route via Google
Snod = A vulgar, ignorant moron.
Thank you friends, strange bedfellows & cheese sandwiches.
While "Changkulling" (Hoeing/Digging) the shrubs, my right leg got possessed or sort off getting a mind of it's own & stepped on this blasted-rusted thing. Thick red fluid oozed from the punctured the ball of my feet. The more I applied pressure to it, the more it spurted like a Yellowstone National Park geyser.
Indeed you have to; at least some of the poisonous substance that inhibits the nail would not create a fatal reaction. Took an anti Tetanus jab at the local clinic, don't wanna get "Button Teeth / Kancing Gigi". A round of antibiotics would also suppress any side effects, hopefully. That Friday nite, 11pm, the swelling got worse. Thoughts of my legs getting amputated lingered in my mind.
I remembered. From the recent Langkawi trip I bought dozens of these Gamat product. Oil, Balm & even "Pelacak/Mud skipper" oil. I bet it'll definitely go "Terpacak" & my partner will be grinning from ear to ear! Come Saturday mornin', I was "Gunsmoke", limping. Lucky for me the "Gamat/Sea Cucumber" balm reduced the swell the significantly. I can't be missing in action coz my front neighbor’s daughter is having a wedding feast.
Had 2nd thoughts at 8pm that nite & a nightmare at 3am. Can I ride tomorrow with this condition? Applied a bottle of balm & slept. I was apprehensive & grim, laid my foot gently on the floor...Wallah! Feels goooooooooood!

Hjh Alia, Wendy, Daniel, Admiral Alaudin & Hj. Rahim
Before we took-off, Hjh Alia, Daniel, Admiral Alaudin & beloved mem Wendy stopped for a photo op with Hj Rahim tagging along. Rizal yodeled that he'll be a bit late. Lucky for you bro, 1 or 2 have yet to arrive. Young man Azli smirking as he rode from his mom's house. 20 minutes to 8, we left the rumbling stream behind & rolled towards the famous Tekala-Perez junction.
I dunno why riders call it Perez. The real name is actually Genting Peras coz it's linked to Genting Highlands and the central mountain range called the Banjaran Titiwangsa. Bahari de Loco man had to turn back to greet a friend who's late -very late, so we can't wait. Lemme tell u somethin'. The first 1km was tough, at times manageable & the finishing was a killer. Even though it was his first ride here, as usual you can't match Rizal. Together with Hj Rahim & Zack Graphix leadin the pack, you'll know what to expect. It was an hour ride from Bt18. I was left reeling 1 minute behind, another 1 km to the top.

Azman, Azman Yeop, Bahari @ Loco, Azli, Hj. Rahim, Azman
Cikgu Hisyam, Zack Graphix & Rizal

There were already a couple of riders by the peak's Selangor-N9 border on both dates. Noticed that some oddballs with snoddy rides made a u-turn after seeing us. Heck! We're no ogre; we don't eat odd looking humanoids with coconuts for brains. Oh... now I know, where got standard...They have this phobia about our so called filthy "Chap Ayam/Cheapo" bikes. As if we care. U can have the most exclusive bike on this universe, but if your engine & brain is hollow...we ain't gonna follow. Me & my clan ain't shallow. We aren't goin that low.
As old as we are, we don't give a hoot or I'll shove u a boot!
Penangites would say "Sighu taik Ayam Piru - Piraah mampuih!". Loosely translated it means, "Airhead Turkey's Shit - Go and die" Kah kah kah kiok kiok oink oink oink!
Azman Yeop, with a trusted 12kg bike he practically tore the hill... "Couldn't use the biggest sprocket" he sighed. This guy is full of substance. That's what I call true grit. SALUTE! He zoomed down as I shivered, with my left hand on the handlebar & a camera on my left. The bike wobbled. Better stop or I'll get gobbled...by the ravine. The rest of the route wasn't too bad. We just rumbled up & down to Sg. Tekala after hitting 65kph by the Semenyih Dam.

After the customary leak & a few hard deep fried bananas I was slightly struggling up the dam. DAMN & double damn. The long stretch by the Orang Asli village didn't help either. After scouring the reserve tank I felt relief. Up on the horizon, the elusive 10km more to Bt18. That was not the end. Bahari @ Loco, Hj. Rahim & Rizal set a blistering pace. At 43kph Cikgu Hisyam hooked Hj. Rahim & the rest was history.
Zack Graphic & me just wasn't up to the mark today. We slipped into the abyss...
Right from the start, we knew that we're not goin to whack the damn mountain like the last. The pack glided past the flatties & rendezvoused with a new friend En. Hamdan. Mr. Won - he's a real spinner.

me, Mr Rizal, Cikgu Hisyam & Mr. Won
Where as we're a bunch of old folks, ok - 2 or 3 are young. Let them be. Me, Rizal & Cikgu Hisyam shot-off ahead. It'll not be a problem for Hj.Rahim & Co. Coz they're loco too. Took my own sweet stride up Perez & tackled it without much issue.

"Of course who wouldn't miss the cool breeze,
as we slid down as smooth as grease.
Tekala greeted us with much please,
& we rumbled up the Semenyih Dam with ease.
Orang Asli folks showing their gleaming white teeth,
as we passed by & gave us a big cheese.
The last 10km were just cookies,
blasting 43kph like some maniac on PCPs,
We couldn't care less to nobodies,
streaming across the globe thru the open seas".

Pretty loony boy slid & hit an "Udumbu"...yikes!
Udumbu (biawak @ monitor lizard) curry recipe. yummy!
Cycling Directions > Bt18 Ulu Langat - Perez - Sg.Tekala

Route via Google
Snod = A vulgar, ignorant moron.
Thank you friends, strange bedfellows & cheese sandwiches.
1 comment:
kaki besi pun blh cycle lagi yek.Hebat3x
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