Saturday, February 14, 2009

140209 Break the record guys...

ATM Sg. Udang Triathletes

I was on a "high" last nite, today is no better. Popped a Paracetamol & Loratadine. Hopefully the the nose will stop running & my feet will start spinning smoother.

The 5km warm up ride to Kajang seem to "Shake the disease", temporarily I think. Hopefully the drug will last the journey. The Scott made heads turn or probably the rider with the bling-bling wheelset & one suit jersey. Oh, someone from Sg Udang, Melaka was spotting the same attire. No wonder the stare.

8:15 am, Sham Dewa, Acap, & Gang, TeziBianchi, Md Noor Balung Ayam, Zharin, Hadi & Son, Azli Langat, Wari & Enche Bon. If we can't join them we'll take a shot with them the record breakers. Aswad & Khalid...
Don't be fooled by this fella's smile, The "bouncer" looking Khalid is a real life commando.
Khalid's background will come in handy when the times gets "tough" or "rough" if I may put it. Cycling rough the globe if no laughing matter. You may have the brawn but without the "brain" or so called mental power, you're goners for sure.

Kayuh 8km lepas Gap-Frazer's Hill pun terkial-kial for some...

My assumption was right. The stifling Sol's heat was baking my brain....the higher than desirable temperature had a bad effect on me later. "Your buccae looked like a "Tranny" overdone by a Max Factor blusher" said Sham Dewa. Referring to my over reddish "buccae" (Latin: cheeks). Um, come Monday the working day, I was totally zonked & woozy...

More about the record breakers here.

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