Unikeb - Lenggeng - Bukit Puyoh

Pak Berahim beeped me at midnite. "Man, we're gonna get some new company from Shah Alam". Wah! That'll be fun. To ride every weekend is a blessing but riding & getting new friends will be even better.
We rolled-off unusually, off the usual roll-time.
Lead by the superb otai Abg. Razak, we spun along Bangi Lama towards Kuala Pajam to avoid the main road. The last time I rode with Abg. Razak was way back in 200507. To rekindle old memories, we're rode the same route together again after a 3 year lapse. This time I'm not gonna allow him to shoot-up Bukit Puyoh & leave me behind. Surprisingly he set a steady pace throughout the ride, all the way to Lenggeng.


We took a breather by the bridge in Kpg. Kuala Pajam & proceeded straight towards Jalan Kampung Enam Kaki. The guys just loved the unusual scene. Far from the typical highway full of gas guzzlers. That's what we like about a kampong route.
Once in a while you'll get the kampong chicks crossing the road. Hot kampong babes with their kain batik sarong lah, not the chicken that crosses the road without looking.

Picked up speed all the way through the ever busy bustling Mantin town & waited-up for the rest at the foothill of Bukit Puyuh.

Crossing Mantin Town

I was ready for the worst but it turned out even more horrible! The gentle slopes up Puyoh Hill has been stripped bare. Void of vegetation, dust & diesoline smoke filled the air. I was chocked not by the lung cancerous fumes, but with emotion...
For the sake of modernity, we destroy mother earth...

In the name of progress...
Gone were the idyllic & scenic atmosphere. I might not ride here again, ever...
Beautiful Bukit Puyuh years ago - click below:
1) 141208, Unikeb UKM - Bukit Puyuh - Lenggeng

2) 090209 LTDL - Pathetic TV coverage...Bukit Puyuh
3) 220309 LEKAS Highway - Mantin - Bukit Puyuh - Lenggeng

One of the best & fun riders you can find

A view from a sundry shop

me, Rusling, Abg. Razak, Fauzi, Pak Berahim, Amir,
Shakri, Syarul Hulk, Yazid, my clone, Ashraf, Shuk & Zairi
Grabbed a quick bite at a mamak restaurant & took-off as Sol was blaring her rays unmercifully. Torture it was but Rusling was grinning like a Colgate commercial. This bloke had a heart bypass 5 years ago! You got guts brudder, the scar on your chest was mind blowing. I respect your determination.
By now, my brain was beginning to boil underneath my expensive helmet. I thought there was a minature fan when I bought it. I got conned...

Pak Berahim beeped me at midnite. "Man, we're gonna get some new company from Shah Alam". Wah! That'll be fun. To ride every weekend is a blessing but riding & getting new friends will be even better.
We rolled-off unusually, off the usual roll-time.
Lead by the superb otai Abg. Razak, we spun along Bangi Lama towards Kuala Pajam to avoid the main road. The last time I rode with Abg. Razak was way back in 200507. To rekindle old memories, we're rode the same route together again after a 3 year lapse. This time I'm not gonna allow him to shoot-up Bukit Puyoh & leave me behind. Surprisingly he set a steady pace throughout the ride, all the way to Lenggeng.


We took a breather by the bridge in Kpg. Kuala Pajam & proceeded straight towards Jalan Kampung Enam Kaki. The guys just loved the unusual scene. Far from the typical highway full of gas guzzlers. That's what we like about a kampong route.
Once in a while you'll get the kampong chicks crossing the road. Hot kampong babes with their kain batik sarong lah, not the chicken that crosses the road without looking.

Picked up speed all the way through the ever busy bustling Mantin town & waited-up for the rest at the foothill of Bukit Puyuh.

Crossing Mantin Town

I was ready for the worst but it turned out even more horrible! The gentle slopes up Puyoh Hill has been stripped bare. Void of vegetation, dust & diesoline smoke filled the air. I was chocked not by the lung cancerous fumes, but with emotion...
For the sake of modernity, we destroy mother earth...

In the name of progress...
Gone were the idyllic & scenic atmosphere. I might not ride here again, ever...
Beautiful Bukit Puyuh years ago - click below:
1) 141208, Unikeb UKM - Bukit Puyuh - Lenggeng

2) 090209 LTDL - Pathetic TV coverage...Bukit Puyuh
3) 220309 LEKAS Highway - Mantin - Bukit Puyuh - Lenggeng

One of the best & fun riders you can find

A view from a sundry shop

me, Rusling, Abg. Razak, Fauzi, Pak Berahim, Amir,
Shakri, Syarul Hulk, Yazid, my clone, Ashraf, Shuk & Zairi
Grabbed a quick bite at a mamak restaurant & took-off as Sol was blaring her rays unmercifully. Torture it was but Rusling was grinning like a Colgate commercial. This bloke had a heart bypass 5 years ago! You got guts brudder, the scar on your chest was mind blowing. I respect your determination.
By now, my brain was beginning to boil underneath my expensive helmet. I thought there was a minature fan when I bought it. I got conned...
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